

2023年05月31日 论文技巧 阅读 144 次浏览 次

问:谁能帮我写篇关于 中国制造 的英语短文答:我给你写吧,时间关系,就写简竖枯单点余悔洞前芦了,望见谅。Made in ChinaIn the world,lots of the goods are made in China,such as shoes,shirts,balls and so on.The customers like goods made in China,they think China is friendly with the world,and they,too.Cause the goods made in China are lack of style,some

问:谁能帮我写篇关于 中国制造 的英语短文

  • 答:我给你写吧,时间关系,就写简竖枯单点余悔洞前芦了,望见谅。
    Made in China
    In the world,lots of the goods are made in China,such as shoes,shirts,balls and so on.The customers like goods made in China,they think China is friendly with the world,and they,too.
    Cause the goods made in China are lack of style,some consumer-goods makers in China are starting to pay attention to brand-building. The smartest are moving beyond simple product ads to marketing an entire lifestyle.
    Now,goods made in China are so popular,and as Beijing will hold Olympic Games in 2008,I believe goods made in China will be admitted by more and more customers and countries.
  • 问:我是一名高三学生,想找一篇关于 中国制造2025 的英语作文范文,求大神指导 谢谢!

  • 答:t an exhibition of the world's best swordsman, the third-place fencer took the stage. A fly was released, and with an arc of his sword he cut the fly in half. The crowd cheered. Then the second-place man sliced a fly into quarters. A hush fell in anticipation of the world's greatest swordsman.
  • 答:百度一下就知道了!答主有点心有余而力不足!国语作文都难倒我,何况英文范例!撤
  • 答:这种天气真是冷得很厉害滴滴
  • 答:皇家宝贝vvVB不回家叽叽叽叽还发估计八嘎哈哈v干哈还发个森轮好吧v好好吧v好好此和信吧v个哈哈哈个方法哈哈哈哈棚并胡u
  • 问:急需一篇关于制造业的英语作文带翻译

  • 答:The fact is,after 30 years of bone-shaking,mind-bending economic group,everyone knows about brand China,but few can name a specific Chinese brand.As we continue our series on China,NPR's Rob Gifford tells us the reason for that is not just economic.
    the cost of raw materials such as cotton,plastics and ponents,is rising.Although the Chinese currency has been rising against the dollar,which could help ease rising costs for imported raw materials,manufacturers say even locally made materials are getting more expensive.
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