

2023年04月10日 论文技巧 阅读 60 次浏览 次

问:农业科技的影响 英语作文范文答:The new technology of agriculture refers to many science and technics,inlucding the industrializing of agriculture,the green revolution and the sustainable development of agriculture.The industrializing of agriculture improves the efficiency of agricultural production.The green rev

问:农业科技的影响 英语作文范文

  • 答:The new technology of agriculture refers to many science and technics,inlucding the industrializing of agriculture,the green revolution and the sustainable development of agriculture.
    The industrializing of agriculture improves the efficiency of agricultural production.The green revolution brings us more productive crops and raise the production of agriculture.The theory of sustainable development of agriculture provides human race a bright future in which people and nature are living together harmoniously.
  • 问:英语翻译论文范文

  • 答:当英语论文,或其他重要的英文文书的初稿撰写完成后,在提交给相关读者阅读之空配唯前,必须要经过润色才比较保险。找北京译顶科技,性价比高,我就是卖数在那边做的。你可以加速去知道了斗培解下
  • 问:毕业论文英语翻译

  • 答:把重复率非常高的段落,用在线翻译,翻译成小语种,比如法语、俄语、西班牙语等等,然后再翻译回来,你会发现,整句话携神会给人耳目一新卜猛的感觉!北京译顶科技做的不错,可以联系辩弊亏他们一下你可以统一去知道了解下
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