

2023年05月04日 论文技巧 阅读 93 次浏览 次

问:我的论文标题怎么翻译合适啊?答:以下为悔磨拿我自己翻译的 没有用在线翻译 很辛苦的 希望对你有帮助论文标题:大学英语专业的碧搭学生在英语听力理解上的障碍以及解决方法。摘要:听力在人的一生中是一个必不可少的组成部分,但对大学主修英语专业学生而言,在听、说、读、写、四个能力中,听力是最困难的,换言之,这也是他们共同的弱点。在现实生活中,对学习语言的人来说,这是一项艰游备巨的任务,准确理解发言者的意义在有限的时间内。听力理解是一个复杂的活动:它要求学生利用他们自己的语音,词汇和语法和背景知识。有很多的学生在听力理解上有困难。本文主要分析了语言和非语言的障碍对于听力理解的影响。作者认为,学生只有在


  • 答:以下为悔磨拿我自己翻译的 没有用在线翻译 很辛苦的 希望对你有帮助
  • 问:我的论文题目 求英语翻译

  • 答:the study of Superfine AL (OH) 3 and flame retardant properties of the preparation
    Preparation of superfine powder of Al(OH)3 and research as fire retardant
  • 答:Superfine AL (OH) 3 and flame retardant properties of the preparation
  • 答:Preparation for and Flame Retardation Research on Superfine Fire Retardant AL(OH)3
  • 答:The Research on Preparation of superfine powder of Al(OH)3 and Its Fire/清冲如答启判陵Flame Retardant Protperty
  • 问:请翻译专家帮我用英语翻译我的论文题目和摘要

  • 答:The Judgement Of The Soil Potential In Chang Zhi Shi Huguan Xian
    Judge the soil potential is an important part of management of earth. Based on the data of Hu Guan Xian's climate、soil、agriculture statisic, I work out at the climate fertility of Hu Guan Xian according to 桑孙笑孙拿斯维特纪念模型和迈阿密模则凯含型(专业词,不会). And acconding to the analize, I recognize that moisture is the limit gene of Hu Guan Xian's production potential. If this problem had been solved, the oil's potential will be larger.
    Key words: Hu Guan Xian、climate fertility、judgement of soil potential
  • 答:Manage the land resource productive potentialities of Huguan county of market and appraise long
    Summary :
    It is that land managements must be made importantly into some to carry on land productive potentialities appraisal. On the basis of attribute data , such as climate , soil , agricultural statistics in Huguan county ,etc., memorates then that calculate out the climate productivity of Huguan county in models and Miami model to use the mulberry. And through analysing , it is known that the restriction factor of limiting the productive potentialities of Huguan county is the moisture. If the problem of water has been solved , its land has greater productive potentialities.
    Keyword: Huguan county; Climate productivity; The land productive potentialities appraising
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