
本科论文英语标题 以什么为例

2023年04月26日 论文技巧 阅读 79 次浏览 次

问:论文题目中的“以…为例”怎么翻译?答:a case analysis of …答:For example, 二年级都会!!答:XXXX based on the example of xxxx答:focused on~答:Analysis of Foreign Investment Attracting Strategy: A Case Study of Chengdu答:Take Chengdu for an example ~~~答:illustrated by the case of Chengduillustrated by the example of Chengdu 也


  • 答:a case analysis of ...
  • 答:For example, 二年级都会!!
  • 答:XXXX based on the example of xxxx
  • 答:focused on~
  • 答:Analysis of Foreign Investment Attracting Strategy: A Case Study of Chengdu
  • 答:Take Chengdu for an example ~~~
  • 答:illustrated by the case of Chengdu
    illustrated by the example of Chengdu 也可以。
    然后其实很多英文教材书氏笑名都会说: An Asia Perspective,你携核拆觉得你这辩枣里用A Chengdu Perspective如何呢。就是从成都的角度来分析。
  • 答:illustrated一般常见于论文当中,此外,你也不看差亮看你的态度,是问问题的态度吗?你要是真懂竖模英语还来这里问?知余庆缓道take for example就叫懂英语了?本事不大口气不小。
  • 答:以...为例翻译为take...for example.
    以成都市为例翻译为take Chengdu city for example.
    在英语书面表达中,为了使抽象的观点或阐述具体化、形象化 作者通常需要举例论证。
    于是就出现了“例如,比如说”(such as, for example)这样的短哪悄语。
    1、for example
    For example, the sewage, which is dumped by the neighbor country, might contaminated the nation's stream.
    2、for instance
    In the case of militancy in the country, for instance, a General would be more effective in mitigating the situation pared to a lieutenant who has recently graduated.
    3、such as
    It is in the style of an art such as designs of garments and historic rock sculptures that determine the ethnicity of a group.
  • 问:英文论文标题的格式

  • 答:英文论文标题的格式如下:
    英语论文标题一共有三种写法。游悄 第一种就是你们老师说的“:” ,冒号左边为主标题,冒号右边为副标题, 是比较规范的标题格式,同时是应用最为广泛的格式。 比如:Hand and Mind : What Gestures Reveal about Thought 
    第二种的话是 破折号 。 其实近年来文化大融合,中西方的一些习惯都在互相渗透。 但是英文中陵磨闷破折号同中国传统的书写尺弯方法不同,一般不需要另起一行,而是直接跟在后面。 比如:Challenger——A Lesson for the Future 
    第三种则是 语意衔接式 ,最常见的为提问回答型的。 比如:What Is Africa to Me? Language,Ideology,and African American
  • 问:论文标题的翻译“以……为例” 英语怎么说

  • 答:With... For example
  • 答:take ... for / as an example
  • 答:take sth for example
    如果是以某悉猜物睁陵型为例,用上面的短语,如果是加从句,汪搭那就用“for example,..."
  • 答:1.take...for example
    take Jiangxi for example
    take swimming for example
    2.take...for instance
    Take me for instance.
    take for instance the building of a house
  • 答:for example
  • 答:直接such as...
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