

2023年04月29日 论文技巧 阅读 79 次浏览 次

问:毕业论文摘要200中文字翻译成英文,急答:Nowadays, brands and advertising has e a hot market concern. Business as an ponent of the strategy, brands and advertising are increasingly play a great role. How to use advertising and brand strategy is to e a business worth exploring the subject. In this paper, the author ad


  • 答:Nowadays, brands and advertising has e a hot market concern. Business as an ponent of the strategy, brands and advertising are increasingly play a great role. How to use advertising and brand strategy is to e a business worth exploring the subject. In this paper, the author adopted the analysis of the case method, first of all brands and advertising from finishing the theory, Erie start of the Olympic Games campaigns, analysis of the Erie Olympic ad campaign ideas and results, comments Erie Olympic campaign ads ess of the enterprise so as to better carry out ad to provide certain information and reference.
  • 问:急求毕业论文中文摘要翻译成英文摘要,十万火急!

  • 答:说实话,这个时间还没有悬赏分,哪有人给你翻译啊...
  • 答:实在太多了,看不下去
  • 问:急急急!毕业论文的内容摘要翻译,帮忙翻译一下急用15号前,不要网络工具直译的,万分感谢!

  • 答:如果你不需要网络翻译工具,要求真人翻译的话,建议你大幅度提高悬赏凳册分数,不然很难获得帮助。因为这个大段的专业翻如猛译实在是要花很多时间,枣橡宏我也是请人帮忙的
  • 答:同意楼上的意见
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